Government funded voucher scheme helps bring Ultrafast Broadband to businesses across Northern Ireland.
Atlas Communications are pleased to announce that we are now a registered supplier on the BDUK Gigabit Connection Voucher Scheme, helping SMEs to upgrade their Internet connections using vouchers worth up to £3,000.
Check if your business is eligible by clicking here.
The Nationwide Scheme, funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, is designed to help SMEs access Ultrafast connections through providing vouchers that assist in the costs of installing the new service.
As a local ISP, Atlas understand that full fibre networks are the future and having infrastructure that is gigabit ready is a key step for today’s businesses. As demand for greater and greater digital connectivity is set to accelerate, Ultrafast speeds will be the only way to support digital transformation opportunities & future proof business success.
Gigabit connections can better support:
- Online business applications such as databases, CRM & VoIP (voice over IP)
- Cloud data storage including migration
- Cyber security systems
- Video & video conferencing
- Cloud telephony
- Access to company systems for remote workers
To find out more about the scheme & how it works, you can visit the BDUK site here, or to quickly check if you are eligible, click below.