Government funded voucher scheme helps bring Ultrafast Broadband to businesses across Northern Ireland.

Atlas Communications are pleased to announce that we are now a registered supplier on the BDUK Gigabit Connection Voucher Scheme, helping SMEs to upgrade their Internet connections using vouchers worth up to £3,000.

Check if your business is eligible by clicking here.

The Nationwide Scheme, funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, is designed to help SMEs access Ultrafast connections through providing vouchers that assist in the costs of installing the new service.

As a local ISP, Atlas understand that full fibre networks are the future and having infrastructure that is gigabit ready is a key step for today’s businesses. As demand for greater and greater digital connectivity is set to accelerate, Ultrafast speeds will be the only way to support digital transformation opportunities & future proof business success.

Gigabit connections can better support:

  • Online business applications such as databases, CRM & VoIP (voice over IP)
  • Cloud data storage including migration
  • Cyber security systems
  • Video & video conferencing
  • Cloud telephony
  • Access to company systems for remote workers

To find out more about the scheme & how it works, you can visit the BDUK site here, or to quickly check if you are eligible, click below.


Our telecoms are 24/7 critical services and we need our suppliers to be full & proactive partners. In our many years of working with Atlas, we have found them straightforward to work with, responsive and focussed with getting the job done.

Telecoms Manager,

Northern Health & Social care Trust

A very easy company to work with. We have been working with Atlas for many years and have had nothing but confidence in their ability to deliver.


Property Services Company

Atlas is a long term, supportive & always approachable supplier to our practice and has helped us navigate changes in telecoms technology.

GP Practice Manager,

Co Antrim

Get in touch


02890 786868

Atlas Communications (NI) Ltd
2 Heron Road


02890 786868

Northern Ireland Science Park,
Bay Road,
Derry ~ Londonderry,
BT48 7TG

24/7 Support

02890 786999

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