Cloud Computing represents one of the most valuable, yet misunderstood innovations in current IT and business strategies.
With the many business benefits including flexibility, reliability and cost efficiencies, why are businesses still reluctant to adopt a Cloud platform?
In our recent poll, 60% of those asked quoted data security concerns as the main reason preventing them from migrating to the Cloud. Yet, it is predicted that through 2020 public cloud infrastructures will suffer at least 60% fewer security incidents than those in traditional data centres. This represents a knowledge gap that exists between Cloud services and end customers.
Here, we discuss the various myths that have attached themselves to Cloud technology and provide you with accurate information that will allow you to make the best decisions for your business.
Migrating to the Cloud is Hassle
Everyone has heard the horror stories of long migration times, resulting in business downtime. However, the issue here is not the Cloud services, but most often your connection speed to the Cloud. If your internet connection is slow, initial migration can take much longer than planned and may flag the possibility that the connectivity post-migration may not be sufficient as well. In addition, what you do not know, is how the connectivity at the server end is being managed.
The key to overcoming this is to include connectivity as a fundamental aspect of your Cloud solution. Or consider an alternative migration methodology as part of your overall Cloud strategy. Often the connectivity is not considered in depth but it needs to be, both for migration and ongoing service.
Cloud Services Are Always Cheaper
The main draw to Cloud services, if you believe the sales pitch, but is it? The model looks attractive and can in many cases provide a more cost efficient approach than traditional on premise hosting. This assumes, however, that your costs are predictable, but many Cloud services have a large element of usage metering including data transfer costs. So, knowing your total costs, over say a 3-year period, becomes increasingly difficult. Newer models that offer certainty of costs whilst keeping the flexibility and OPEX focus of Cloud computing services are emerging.
Cloud Means Loss of Control
Many IT professionals fear that as soon as applications are hosted off premise, there will be a loss of control, particularly surrounding exactly where data is stored and supported. To overcome this, it is important to have a high level of transparency with your Cloud provider to ensure that your applications and associated backups are hosted in a way that ensures you are compliant with relevant jurisdiction regulations. Such important regulatory issues can be readily overcome, however getting to the bottom of just how and where data is stored can be a challenge.
Increased Cyber Security Risks
Cloud computing is perceived as less secure but there is no reasonable proof that this is true. Typically fears arise around the off premise nature and the ‘if I can’t see it, it is not secure’ mind set. However, by working with your Cloud provider and implementing appropriate security measures, there is no reason to let security concerns prevent you from migrating, particularly as Cloud options can provide greater options for disaster recovery and business resiliency.
If you’re still not sure if a Cloud based solution will suit your business needs, get in touch to speak to a member of our Cloud Secure team.