The inaugural Business Eye First Trust Bank Small Business Awards held in La Mon hotel and country house took place on Thursday 11th June 2015. These awards recognised the top small businesses across a range of 12 different catagories.

Atlas won Technology Business of the Year category, beating off some well-known competition for the award. Atlas was described by the judges as a company that has transformed itself from a traditional telephone systems company to an end to end provider of business communications services.

The winning of this award is recognition of the company’s efforts to change and grow the business.

Our telecoms are 24/7 critical services and we need our suppliers to be full & proactive partners. In our many years of working with Atlas, we have found them straightforward to work with, responsive and focussed with getting the job done.

Telecoms Manager,

Northern Health & Social care Trust

A very easy company to work with. We have been working with Atlas for many years and have had nothing but confidence in their ability to deliver.


Property Services Company

Atlas is a long term, supportive & always approachable supplier to our practice and has helped us navigate changes in telecoms technology.

GP Practice Manager,

Co Antrim

Get in touch


02890 786868

Atlas Communications (NI) Ltd
2 Heron Road


02890 786868

Northern Ireland Science Park,
Bay Road,
Derry ~ Londonderry,
BT48 7TG

24/7 Support

02890 786999

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