Friday saw a global cyber-attack hit over 200,000 computers in 150 different countries. Companies including NHS, Deutsche Bahn, Telefonica, Renault and FedEx are just a few of those affected by the attack. The ransomware took control of user’s files and have demanded payments of £230 ($300) to release the files back to their rightful owners. It is reported that the attack accessed computers by exploiting a flaw in Microsoft Windows software.
This huge attack has been highly publicised, but there are attacks taking place every day which no one hears about. With the threat becoming more prominent, now is the time to ensure you are prepared.
Back Up Your Files
Not being able to access your files causes downtime and downtime causes disruption to your business. Be sure to back up your files and information from your devices into a completely separate system. In the event of data loss or encryption, a backup can allow you to restore recent copies of your files. Ensure you backup regularly.
Be Suspicious
Many infections can be caused by human error. Educate your employees to exercise caution when opening unsolicited emails or visiting new/unknown websites.
Having anti-virus and security on your PC’s and networks is extremely important. These programmes block installations from malicious adverts when browsing the web and looks for malware already present on your device. Make sure it is working correctly and is up to date.
Updates are released to fix vulnerabilities in software and programmes that could be exploited by ransomware and cyber criminals. It is essential to ensure that all programmes, applications and software are kept up to date.
Disaster Recovery Plan
Sometimes attacks cannot be stopped so it is important that there is a plan in place. Disaster recovery plans can be as simple or as complex as you want but it allows your staff and IT department to know exactly what needs to happen if an attack occurs and limits the detrimental effects it can have.
Atlas Communications can offer advice and solutions to help combat these attacks and limit the downtime and disruption should one occur. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 02890786868.